Main Thunderstorms and CDX Changes of Season: Credit Relative Value Round-Up
The question on everyone’s mind is whether the events of the last few days represents a passing thunderstorm or heralds a change of...

High Yield Survival Lessons from the Common Rat
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ― Oscar Wilde Vermin Lessons for the High Yield Sell-Off of 2015...

Reading the Cuttlefish Bones
Non domandarci la formula che mondi possa aprirti, Si qualche storta sillaba e secca come un ramo, Codesto solo oggi possiamo dirti, Sio...

A Nutty Rule Broken
I’ve talked about bond guys versus credit guys before. My Uncle Larry was totally a bond guy. The former tend to be more focused on...

Bondfriendliness and Globalization
Default has always been a painful and unpleasant aspect of the credit space and not just because it means a loss of capital. There are...
Credit Hedging and PnL Volatility
In 1959, Gerard Debreu wrote the classic treatise The Theory of Value: An Axiomatic Analysis of Economic Equilibrium. Debreu approached...

The Joy of Korean Bank Debt
Dear readers not already plugged into the planetary zeitgeist, prepare to be shocked: Korea is re-wiring the culture of the world....

Three Quick Insights from the Chinese Equity Melt-Down
The US, England, Japan, and some vaguely shifting group of EU nations have shown in the past few years that monetary-policy speaking,...
Sympathy for the Schäuble
Things are still fluid, but the time for kicking the can is over. Greece agreed to re-work their sovereignty configuration (what a...

Basis Widening in High Yield
In the North American High Yield space, money is unwinding cash bond exposures and hedges aren’t moving. Check out the basis. Note that...